Friday, January 30, 2009



I felt myself so miserable
Grabbed to someone boots
To feel myself crowded
I was selling my soul
To feel the sweet of gathering
It was so miserable

I wanted to feel good
Being with a person
I was comfortable with
And I feel so bad
I was giving to a foolish
The most precious of me
My talent, my kindness, my goodness and my faithfulness
Expecting friendship
Awaiting love
And I felt so pitiful
Begging unworthy
Treated like waist
While I am precious to God himself

I love people
But they don’t love me
I want their good
But they don’t care about
They just want to use me

I am deeply deceive
I am living an utmost disappointment
I feel just like
There is nobody.

Oh God my lord I did sin toward you
Have mercy on me
Take away my burden of shame
And fill me with joy
You gave me people who love me
And you love me so much

Thank you.


Unknown said...

have you ever been sougoussed? whay are so ashame? (lol)
Blague à part, je trouve très poignat cette partie de ton oeuvre. On ressent bien le feeling de l'enfant prodigue, comme si on y était. Je pense que c'est aussi parce que chacun d'entre nous a eu à vivre / ressentir de telles émotions...
Ta rédemption t'est toute acquise.

Chandré said...

hey laban,

I am blessed to read your poetry :) Thanks for joining me for that cinnabon and company...

Sometimes our loneliness, it brings us to a deeper and closer relationship with our maker.

thankyou also for being open and sharing your views on things. I hope life in South Africa gets much better but if not hope you also shake some people's paradigms. Remember sometimes you dont get what you expected, but it's a mutual growing and as much as you grow in yourself being away from home, people here grow in knowing you...Aseswa mon pot! chan