Here with Olivier, gislain (handshowing) and the Soulman (next to gislain)
The first of April was a sort of a 'summer' day and had to end up as is with celebrations and enjoyments. At that very day was offered at the ‘Green market square’ a free concert in line with the Cape Town Jazz festival at it 11th edition. It was also the occasion to celebrate 300 years of the square where so much happened.
The people of the multicultural Cape Town garnered and very quickly, just before 7pm, the place was dark of a noisy crowd. 
It was possible to hear Portuguese, French, German, Chinese as well as other foreign and local languages words spelled out, in a Babylonian tower legend kind of tongs break down, to share the pleasure of meeting, of music, or just to be there. It was an impressive party at that place where others were sold less than two century ago. 
The party started as indicated 5:30pm with Mezzoforte; then came Glenn Robertson Jazz Band, and Jonathan Rubain, and from Japan, the Soil & Pimp. The performances were awesome, and people were dancing, jumping, and shouting helped with some alcoholic ingredients.
Authorities join the event in the persons of the premier and former mayor of the city Helen Zille, as well as others.
But the vibe was with people in phase with the performer and the music. And there is more to hear at the festival…

The party started as indicated 5:30pm with Mezzoforte; then came Glenn Robertson Jazz Band, and Jonathan Rubain, and from Japan, the Soil & Pimp. The performances were awesome, and people were dancing, jumping, and shouting helped with some alcoholic ingredients.
Authorities join the event in the persons of the premier and former mayor of the city Helen Zille, as well as others.

But the vibe was with people in phase with the performer and the music. And there is more to hear at the festival…