Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A glance on “Infecting the city”: The Spier public arts festival (2011)

Cape town discovered on the 21th of February 2011 a very strange activity, spreading all over it streets, with people raising stages, raising ‘dirty’ stages and ‘dirty’ houses, wrapping monuments and trees, and performing unusual oriental delectable.

There were in the program various performances with The Jewels, treasure hunt, art work display, and other pleasurable.

Cape Town’s plazas and squares turned into art galleries.

I was curious not to ask but to get something just coming to me; and I discovered plastic humanoid remains: and I directly felt that the life was gone.

An over consuming and polluting city stands on dirt, wears dirt and accommodate unfortunate people with dirt. I even hesitated to scratch some building stones on the way fearing to reveal the dirt fleshing it... May be I am just sensitive to art or... I have too much imagination...

The public art festival ran from 21st to Saturday 26 of February 2011.

Cape Town train station was the festival hub.

Students from numerous schools attended the event and were conducted throughout the routes.

I was just walking by and That captivated me. (Spier farm and wine)